Monday, June 22, 2009

Last day at Brackenhurst

Jambo to everyone in America! This Is Melissa Norris and Amanda Geddings. We have received the honor of writing the latest blog for our trip. Yesterday, we went to church at Baptist Chapel and we were there from 9:30 to 2:30!! Yeah… a whole five hours in church!! But you know, we didn’t even glance at our watches. We were worshiping and praising God to the utmost highest. Our very own Dr. Hawkins delivered a wonderful message on how Satan tries to bring you down when you are doing God’s work. But Satan, no matter how hard he may try, he never wins. God always has the victory!!! After church, we were invited to Pastor Euticuls Wambua home for Sunday dinner and lets just say the food was AMAZING!! Their hospitality is something that is greatly appreciated when you are ten thousand miles away from home. That kind of hospitality and the passion they have when they worship Christ is something that America has lost and we absolutely need to get it back. That fire for Christ needs to be rekindled.

Today, we had the awesome chance of going to the Keosha School that was started by Pastor Euticuls. While visiting there, we split up into 5 different groups, which were a story, face and puppets, recreation, music, and health. It was a joy to witness to these children. Let me tell you a little bit about these children. They live in the slums with the only food they get being from the schools lunch. As we entered the school we were greeted by choruses of “How are You”. Though throughout the day we could hear children on the outside wall of the school screaming the same chorus but they couldn’t go to school because they didn’t have the small amount of $2.00 a month.

The children were so welcoming and friendly that it was hard to say goodbye to them. We were then on the way to say goodbye to our interpreters. I‘ve never did like goodbyes, I was told once not to say goodbye but to say “see you later”. Well we said a lot of those!

When we were leaving Pastor Euticauls told us that he knows we have left a part of our hearts here in Kenya. The whole team feels like they are leaving a little piece along with another home. We all know that God has touched our lives and through us we have touched others. As we were here working doing what God has called us to do, everyone was saying “May God Bless You”. Well, we can honestly say He has already blessed us in way that cannot be explained. Seeing the joy in these people’s faces is priceless.

Tomorrow we take off for Masai Mara for a whole Safari adventure! And for the most of the group it will be the first time we see WILD animals. We are all pretty excited!!! For the past week and half we all thought that the only animals Africa has are donkeys, goats, and chickens!!

Kwaheri for now!
Melssia and Amanda

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hello From Africa! Jambo!

Let me begin by saying, wow! The past week has been the most blessed period of sensory overload that you could ever imagine! We have done so much in such a short period of time that last Sunday seems like a month ago. Today was totally amazing! We spent the day with Duncan, a name famous in North Side/Africa mission trip circles. He is a young man with a powerful heart for God. His ministry deals with HIV/AIDS care and counseling. We visited his facility and home in Limuru. The facility is very humble to look at but serves a huge need in counseling people medically, spiritually and financially. We then traveled to another facility he sponsors to take care of six boys that he has “adopted.” Kenya and tribal laws are very strict, and since Duncan is not yet married, he can’t legally adopt the boys. He has, however, opened a place in Kiburu where the boys live with a teacher and a “mama.” The kitchen is outside, as are the bathrooms and the banana trees surround the compound. We also visited two orphanages. The first cared for children of imprisoned parents. The last was a home for orphans and local children around Limuru – some were abandoned by their parents – and all are considered “at risk.” If nothing else, I have learned one thing over the last days. Joy is from within, not from without. These children.. these people have nothing.
Food and water are scarce…clothes are ragged…and the bare essentials are the best they can hope for. Yet they are joyous! Their smiles are genuine and their songs to the Lord are filled with passion. Without a doubt, they have a drunk from Jesus’ well of living water. Their hope is in heaven - in eternal life. They have changed my life. Continue to pray for us and God bless!

“Pastor Scott” Dublin

Friday, June 19, 2009

Masai Market Adventure

We’ve been on the go every day since we pulled out of the parking lot at North Side on June 11th – often starting our day at 6 a.m. and finishing many evenings at 8 or 9:00.
We’ve looked forward all week to the Masai Market shopping afternoon – which came today! After spending the morning in Nairobi painting Pastor Ben’s church – the
Umoja Baptist Church – we cleaned some of the paint off our faces, arms, hands & clothes and headed to the Village Market. Those of us that came to Kenya in 07 gave the first timers some guidelines: Never accept the price quoted for an item; always walk away if you don’t get the price you want; don’t let them put an item in your hand; and learn how to say “NO.” We bartered like it “was our job.” I was so proud! I saw team members bartering with flip flops, pens, hair bands, chewing gum, food….. You get the idea. I planned ahead – buying up Obama badges from the 08 election & Lance Armstrong yellow bracelets – and they were a hit – especially the Obama pins! We shopped for a couple of hours – and bought lots of great souvenirs! It was a good afternoon to relax and enjoy some down time. Tonight, we enjoyed a good meal at Brackenhurst, a warm shower and some fellowship at a team meeting after supper.
Thanks for praying for Jerry Hawkins. He developed a migraine yesterday from the paint fumes – and has been under the weather all day today at Brackenhurst. Hopefully he’ll be much better tomorrow – but pray for his health to be improved. (Hello to my mom, Kate J and my buds at PAOA! – I’m having a great time in my adopted homeland!)
Kathy Dublin

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Hello from Africa!
Today is day seven of our trip! We finished all we could do on the roof at the Kamuwongo New Life Church yesterday……a day early!! On Wednesday we held the first service in the church and Scott preached the very first sermon. It was awesome. We have decided his real calling is to Evangelism, as he inspired us all.
The team presented a guitar given by Ronney and Joan Smith to the Real Life Church. They did not have a guitar and were sooooooo thrilled to get this special gift. We also gave the children a jump rope… would have thought it was a trip to Disney World!!
Because we finished our church building on Tuesday, we were able to go out into the community of Kamuwongo on Wednesday morning. We went in small teams along with our wonderful interpreters. The really amazing thing is that we were able to share Christ with lots of the community and 30 people gave their lives to Jesus…..another really awesome experience for all of us.
Today we traveled back to Nairobi and settled into beautiful Brackenhurst…..a breath of fresh air especially to those of us who came in 2007. We spent the afternoon at Pastor Ben’s church located deep in the Kariabanga section of Nairobi. We saw the very beginnings of this church in 2007. Now it is a beautiful church surrounded by apartment buildings on every side. We were able to help paint the inside of the building. Tomorrow we will finish it ….what an absolute joy to work beside these wonderful brothers and sisters!!
We are all very tired, but happy. The long bus rides are challenging but give us opportunities to get to know each other. “Two truths and a lie” has become a favorite pastime. We learn some VERY interesting things about each other J Our bus driver, Peter, is the best…..puts New York cab drivers to shame! Traffic here is interesting, to say the very least.

Thanks for all your prayers. We are all fine…..wish all of you could be here with us.
Love to all of you from TeamAfrica09.

Happy Birthday Keri!!


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tired but Happy

What a wonderful day this was. We finished the roof in only 1 1/2 days (we had expected it to take us three full days). You can see the new roof (and the happy but slightly exhausted team) in the photo to the left. Every member of the team worked on the roof in one way or another. Many ventured up the ladder to drive nails, and Karen Hicks drew stares of admiration from the residents on the ground and a ton of respect from her teammates as she worked with hammer in hand on virtually the entire roof.

After another delicious lunch prepared by the ladies of Baptist Chapel who came to Kamuwongo, we walked to the local elementary and high schools where we broke into small teams and visited classes. In those classes we answered questions about life in the United States, but most importantly, we shared the good news of Jesus Christ, and were warmly received by students, teachers, and adminnistrators. Before we left, the students serenaded us with "Jesus Loves Me' and other favorite songs. All-in-all, we were blessed beyond description again today, but that no longer surprises. I must close now and get some sleep because these days are leaving us all very, very tired but with big smiles on our faces and even bigger smiles in our hearts.

Jerry Hawkins <><

Monday, June 15, 2009

To all of our friends,
We are here at the Mwingi Cottage Hotel. I am feeling the sweetest breeze as I sit here posting this blog. The place I am sitting is where we actually have our meals. It is open to the air and I really love it. To the average American, this place is probably a bit rustic, but to these wonderful people here, it is the best. There is no heat and no air but believe it or not, it really isn't that bad. Where God sends us, God equips us. I am having the best time ever just being dirty and not caring too much about it! Hey, in America, I wouldn't dare go out without makeup or without having a shower!. Here, nobody cares so it really is great! I guess that shows how ridiculous we are sometimes. Those things are not what is important. What IS important is that we share our hearts and our love for God with people everywhere, not just here in Africa.
Today, we went to Kamuwongo to help complete a church building. I , for some unknown reason, was so completely ready to get on the roof! I just could hardly wait to get up there! So finally the time came and they asked who wanted on the roof. I think my hand was the first up. THEN, they showed us the way. We had to climb a ladder that was handmade and quite unsteady. It was a little scary, to be honest but I was so excited that I just got on up there. Then we had to get all the way across the roof to the other end. Now that was really scary because there is nothing to catch you if you show be so unlucky as to fall. Still God equipped me and I did it. At first I was clueless as to what to do, but Pastor Euticauls was right there showing me the way. Before long I had figured it out and knew what to do and when to do it. I was so completely thrilled that I just couldn't stop! I LOVED it! I now am sporting a bruised finger from missing a few times but it won't stop me from getting right back up there tomorrow! I think I had the best job of anyone because from my position up on the roof, I could see everything. I could see the other team members teaching the children and adults as well, to jump rope. I could see them all loving on the children and bringing smiles to so many faces. I believe that maybe I was seeing a glimpse of heaven. This place, these people, are so happy, yet they have nothing. This very building is like a mansion from heaven to them. I am so blessed to be able to be a very small part of it. I cannot even describe the feeling I have had since being here. It brings tears to my eyes when I think about it. The freedom here is just unmatched. We think we are the free ones but I have to say that we are truly not the free ones. These people are the free ones. They are so free in worship and so free in their lives that it is really hard not to feel just a bit jealous. It makes you want to just stay here and live with these people forever. There just are no boundaries to what we can learn from them. We think we are coming here to teach them, but they end up teaching us. And then in the misst of everything God allows you to be used to bring one more soul to His kingdom. It is just the most amazing thing! I am sad to say that it took me 48 years to go on a mission trip. Now that I am 50 years old, I wish that I had more time to do this. More years that I can step out of my comfort zone and help someone in need. But, I will do what I can while I can and I think that God will be happy with that. I would encourage anyone who is willing to just say, "Send me." You truly do not have to know what you are doing, because as I said before, God equips you. If I had waited to a time that I was comfortable with what I am doing, then I would still not be here. Don't wait! Allow God to use you now and go where you don't think you can go, and watch God work. It will be the most amazing thing you will ever do in your life!
With Love From Kenya,
Karen Hicks

Friday, June 12, 2009

Hey Everybody,
I am writing from Heathrow Airport in London. It is 12:30 pm your time on Friday and 5:30 pm here. We were delayed for 3 hours in Chicago so actually left the airport in 12:15 am and arrived here at 8:00 am your time (1:00 pm here). We are about to get used to the time difference of 5 hours. It will be 7 hours difference in Kenya. The coolest thing is that we have met 2 other teams going to Kenya. Both of them are out of Texas. They are traveling on the same flights as we are.
Everyone is in good spirits and other than a little sleep deprived we are fine. As Melissa Norris says, "we are doing smashingly".
We will be leaving for Nairobi at 7:45 pm (2:45 pm your time). The flights so far have been good....little cramped, but otherwise good. Amanda Geddings and Melissa Reynolds had never flown before but are catching on real fast.
God is good and we are excited about tomorrw
Love to all.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Well, the planning and preparations are over and it's now time for Team Kenya '09 "take-off". At 10:00AM on Thursday, JUne 11, the team will depart North Side Baptist Church by bus headed for the Atlanta airport. At 5:0PM we will leave on United Airlines flight #321 for Chicago, connecting with another United Airlines flight for London. After a lengthy lay-over, we will board Kenya Air flight #101 arriving in Nairobi at 6:30AM Saturday (6/13) local time (11:30PM Friday, Eastern time). On Sunday we will worship at Pastor Euticauls' church, Baptist Chapel (aka, Lucky Summer Baptist Church) where the morning message will be brought by team member Scott Dublin. On Sunday afternoon we will travel to the small town of Mwingi (~2 hours from Nairobi) where we will be staying at the Mwingi Cottages while we work on the Real Life Church in nearby Kamuwongo. In late 2008 and early 2009 the team raised the money to buy the land and build the first Christian church in Kamuwongo for a newly planted congregation of 50 new believers. The adjacent photo shows the progress on the church as of 6/10 ... when we arrive, we will work on putting the roof on the building, which will finish the basic structure. While in Kenya, we will attempt to add new information (and hopefully photos) to the blog on a daily basis, but that will depend upon the availability of internet access in Mwingi. Stay tuned for more and please keep us in your prayers.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009